Author: Jay

  • This is Your Superpower

    Have you ever pondered this question: “If you could possess a remarkable SUPERPOWER, which one would you choose?” The responses that often dance through your thoughts might involve abilities like flying, invisibility, immense strength, or even time travel. Now, let me impart a revelation: YOU ALREADY POSSESS AN INCREDIBLE SUPERPOWER.…

  • Negativity & the Brain : Why your Brain is so negative?

    Every individual is equipped with an extraordinary supercomputer within their skull. Allow me to introduce you to its distinguished name: THE BRAIN. This brain is not only ancient but also incredibly valuable. To understand its antiquity, consider that it has been shaped by evolution since the very emergence of life…

  • Why Timing is everything when saying an affirmation

    The human brain is a complex marvel, shifting through five different brain wave modes as it ages and experiences the rhythm of the day. So, why is understanding these brain wave modes important? It all boils down to how effectively you can impact your subconscious mind with your thoughts and…

  • Creating reality is easy.

    Creating reality is easy. It actually happens automatically. You are creating your reality all day, every day, whether you like it or not.  Yes, you are that powerful!  In the previous articles I described more in depth how does that happen. We spoke about the “How” and some techniques, that…

  • Creating reality is way easier than you think. Here is what to do:

    Not too long ago, I found myself in a peaceful place on the beautiful island of Tenerife. My room was simple, just a bed, desk, chair, and a big window with a view. It was neat and tidy with only the essentials. Life was calm and easy there. I woke…

  • Imagination is more important than knowledge

    Every day, you wield a remarkable superpower that shapes your reality, whether you’re conscious of it or not. This superpower is none other than your IMAGINATION. Picture this: Your mind operates through visual imagery. Every word you comprehend triggers a mental image. This explains why grasping a foreign language can…

  • You are programmed! Here is how it happened and how you change it.

    The way your external reality shapes up is closely linked to the experiences you’ve encountered, the emotions they’ve triggered (and their intensity), the environment you grew up in, and the programming you received from caregivers, peers, and influential figures during your formative first six years. The good news is that…

  • Environment influences way more than you think…

    The places you spend your time in wield more influence than you might imagine. Recently, I overheard someone asserting, “Humans don’t generate their own ideas. All our ideas stem from somewhere or someone else.” This statement triggered a cascade of contemplation, affirming its accuracy. This assertion holds undeniable truth. Our…

  • Your brain is plastic- what does that mean?

    Your brain is like play-dough! Not that it’s made of it, but it can change and shape itself. In the past, people believed that after 25, you couldn’t learn much. That idea affected many generations worldwide. But today, we know better. Your brain keeps learning throughout life. After 25, it…

  • Subconscious Mind by Dr Joseph Murphy

    Jay Bialecki – You are awesome!