How to re-install Apps and Programs on your Operating System?

How have we all been programmed

I like to refer to the beliefs in a form of applications (or “apps” for short) or Programs that are installed on your operating system (Subconscious mind). The way they have been installed is the following:

In the first 6 years of your life (mostly between 2-6) when you are in theta brainwave as main modus operandi (subconscious), you are being a sponge to what is going on in your environment. You already understand the language your parents are using to communicate with you.

Since your parents are your role models, because they take care of you, they feed you, they protect you etc, and you do not have an analytical mind formed yet (it will start forming from the age of 7-ish till 12 – when your brain will be in alpha brainwave), everything what they tell you repeatedly is a program that goes straight to your executive operating system (subconscious mind). In the period of this couple of years there is hundreds if not thousands different apps being installed that will impact your reality creation and experiencing in your future life.

For example; if your parents are telling you: “You are such a generous person” or “You always misbehave when we have guests”- these are those programs. You don’t question them. Also you acquire the apps directly from observing the behavior of your parents and/or caregivers. If they do something in a certain way (ie. They leave everything for the last moment, or they are always late etc) you might also subconsciously install these programs onto you.

Its hard to track them all, because we just simply do not remember.

The way the belief work is the following:

Once it’s “installed” on you, You will create situation, circumstances, realities for yourself, where you will prove yourself that you are this way, and the belief is true. For example, if we take the “You are so generous” program that you received from your mother when you were a kid- in your adulthood, you will prove yourself (subconsciously) that you are generous – You will be wanting to pay for the people you go for a dinner/coffee with, you will be giving gifts to people, you will be proving that you are, indeed so generous.

Or if you have a program, that you always leave everything till the very last moment – guess what you will be doing in order to prove yourself right.

And we all, have a lot of these little programs and apps that are running the show. Some of us are serving us well, some not. Some of them are useful in a certain type of environment/lifestyle, then when we change, they become irrelevant.

After the age of 6 the creation of the beliefs is still ongoing. The older you get, the less apps you are unconcsiously installing on your operating system. Why is that?

Well, few reasons: 

The beliefs that you acquired as a kid, are coming directly from your caregivers, and hence your caregivers made so far in life (survived and reproduced- which from the evolutionary standpoint are 2 most important things) you by mirroring their behavior, being in the same environment should survive and reproduce as well.

Our lives today look very different from the lives previous generations were leading. But we still have the same brain that works very similarly (no two brains are identical). So, the applications that have been installed on you, often time turn out to be completely irrelevant to the lifestyle you crave and the reality that you want to create for yourself.

Good news is that, you can re-install your apps, or install new ones, at any point of your life. The important is however, that the earlier, the better. Meaning the longer you wait to change something about yourself, add new apps, behavior, the harder it gets.

Installing new Applications

The way you are installing new apps in your adulthood is the following:

You are in the world. You go to the new environments, that you have never been a part of. And you don’t know how to navigate them, because your programs have not been code-aligned with this. This feel uncomfortable at first. So what you are doing: You start observing what other people in this environment are doing. How they behave. How they look. How they talk. What behaviors are supported and what behaviors are condemned. And over time, by spending your time and energy, you are installing new apps.

For example: If you want to completely change your life, and start traveling, living in different countries, have your online business etc- but you never done that, you don’t know how to do this. You are scared of the unknown. You don’t have proper apps installed on you that allow you to pull that off.

If you seek out the environments where people are already doing this. Its normal for them- its their lifestyle. And if you take the risk and start spending time in this environment, you will acquire their apps onto your operating system. You will see, that this is completely possible and quite simple, really.

And its not nearly as hard as you were telling yourself (because the telling yourself that something is hard/impossible etc is a PROGRAM too).

Another way to install apps in your adulthood are the experiences that produce an emotion. In most cases these going to be new experiences.

The emotion is a currency for your brain to strengthen the connection and make it more “important”. The stronger the emotional charge, that is connected to the particular experience, your brain goes “ok, this is important, ill save it to the Long term memory” and make sure he/she/they will remember that next time when doing xyz or being in or with someone.

There is a lot of ways of installing new apps and programs into your operating system. I will share one more with you here:

The argument of constant repetition is quite a strong and effective one for the brain. That is why if you use it to form new belief, it will not resist it for too long.

First: Decide, what belief do you want to install ( i.e. “I am disciplined” or “I am always finishing what I start” or “I am always doing my best” or “I am getting better every single day” etc; the choice is endless here).

Second: Record that belief and make a audio that is maybe 1H long. You can put some relaxing background sounds into it (like ocean sound, or rain, or crickets etc. Typically the sounds of the nature are the most effective ones, hence the frequency of vibration in the nature is, in most cases Theta).

Third: Play that recording every evening when laying in Bed and falling asleep for the period of at least a month.

During this period, in your “awakened life” observe what is going on in your external reality. Are there some new opportunities arising? Or do you have a hunch to do something that is coherent with the app that you are installing at the time? If so, do it- the more coherent you are, the “better” the belief it is going to be installed.

Jay Bialecki – You are awesome!
