There has been a belief that after a human being turn 25 years of age, he cannot learn as fast anymore due to the processes that occur in the brain, especially the one called “pruning”.
Pruning is essentially, a process where the brain is getting rid of the neuronal connections that are not being used, and is speeding up with the age.
What if there are ways to massively slow down the neuronal pruning after the age of 25?
There are ways to do this of course!
Here are some of them:
1.Environment/ genes activation
The environment influences the way we think, feel and act (state of being). And every behaviour influences the brain and body on the neuronal and cellular level, activating certain types of genes and disactivating the others.
What does that mean?
If you would re-create an environment where you grew up, it would influence your behaviours. You would be looking at the pictures of your childhood idols, read comic books, eat certain type of food etc- this would activate the very same genes in your body, that has been activated when you were a child being there and doing this things. Your body is your unconscious mind, so it would not be able to tell the difference in a feeling, so it would activate the very same genes.
And as a result, if you would do for a while, you will get younger on the cellular and genetic level.
Mushrooms are a fascinating species. In fact it’s the oldest kingdom of species on Earth.
Without mushrooms there would be no life on earth.
Mushrooms are the highest form of (almost) invisible technology, that creates planet earth and us, humans.
In Forrests, they create an underground internet to connect all the plants together, in order to communicate instantly. And they have been doing this, ever since. We have internet since 30 years only…
If you are interested learning more about mushrooms, check out Paul Stamets.
The mushrooms also have the huge power in creating reality, neurogenesis, Neuroplasticity etc.
The “magic” mushrooms. They are magic thanks for Psylocybin. The substance is extemaly powerful.
One of a lot of benefits of using it is this:
Psylocybin creates new neuronal connections (neurogenesis) in your brain, and a loot of them (see the picture below, on the right brain on Psylocybin, on the left the same brain not on Psylocybin)
Having more neuronal connections in the brain means younger, faster and better functioning brain. And the better functioning brain (which is the hardware that is responsible massively in creating your reality) the better the outcomes.
You can learn way faster, because the more connections your have, you remember better. It’s like having a computer with more RAM. The more RAM it has, the faster it loads.
You can also connect the Environment with the Psylocybin 🙂
Jay Bialecki – You are awesome!