4 Reasons Why You need Vision for Yourself

In the intricate tapestry of human existence, one element stands out as a guiding beacon, steering us away from the treacherous currents of the past and into the uncharted waters of the future – Vision. As we journey through the complex terrain of life, our minds, driven by ancient evolutionary programming, tend to gravitate toward the negative, a survival instinct that served us well in times of peril. However, without a clear and compelling vision for the future, our minds, often unbeknownst to us, hijack our direction, leading us down a path littered with the echoes of past regrets. In this article, we will explore four compelling reasons why having a vision for yourself is not just desirable but essential for a fulfilling and purposeful life.

4 Reasons why you need Vision for yourself

  1. The Mind without a clear and exciting vision of the future will always return to the past. 

The Brain (that is a hardware that’s producing the Mind) is an old device, that has developed (and constantly is) through the process of evolution. ITs main function is to keep you alive. That is why its so natural and automatically for us to focus on the bad, negative and things that we don’t like. This type of setup guaranteed us survival, back in the days.

If it would be opposite, we would not have made it that far as a specie. Seeing potential threads early enough allowed us to prepare for the fight, or get out from there as fast as possible (flight). That being said, if you don’t know where you are being headed, your mind will know it for you. And the direction is not the one you, most probably want and definitely not like. The direction will be something negative that happened in the past, that you had a strong emotional reaction to. And by having this as a vision you will keep recreating more of the same, or worst, more of what you don’t want. What you put your attention on, is what you put your energy on. And anything amplified with more energy- grows.

2. No new direction = no new experiences.

If you keep doing what you have been doing for the past x amount of time, the outcome is going to be, guess what…

Yes, the same. Mr Einstein has a famous quote that says “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different result is a definition of stupidity”. 

Moreover, if there is no novelty in our lives we tend to age much faster, here is why:

Our human bodies are made out of proteins (There is around 100 000 different ones). 

The body is a protein making factory, sort to say. In case of that factory, however, creating the same proteins over and over again from the same materials is not good. Why? Because the machiny starts wearing out. And as a result it starts producing the protein of lower and lower quality. And over time, that starts becoming visible, in form of aging skin, losing hair, saggy skin, malfunctioning organs, less dense bone narrow, etc. 

If there is no new experiences in your life, that are activating different feelings, the body works the same.

And in order to have new feelings in your life, you need to start having new experiences, aka doing different things that you have been doing so far.

3. If there is no new experiences in your life you don’t learn new things about yourself

Experiences allows us to grow, learn and improve. If you don’t learn new things about yourself, that means there is not progress in self-awareness. And if there is no progress, there is regress. The world is moving on a very fast pace today, and every day is speeding up. Ray Kurzweil, one of the head Futurists today, estimates that the person living in 21 century will experience 20 000 years of progress. Very soon, we will be making 1 Year progress within 1 week. 

But how about progress about ourselves? 

4.If you don’t have new experiences in your life, your life speeds up.

As we already mentioned, the brains main function is to preserve life and keep you safe. That is why we are lazy by default- the not waste energy, that can save our life. That is why procrastination is so common. That is why, doing new things feels uncomfortable. The comfort zone, allows us to survive. The area outside of our comfort, did not support survival. It does support growth and progress however. If we keep doing the same things every day, our brain switches off. It stops remembering what you did yesterday, last week, last month etc. Because it was the same. This is not valuable information to be stored, so its being delated. Also the same experiences are not emotional anymore, hence they are known and automated. Living life on auto-pilot literally speeds up the time. There is quote that Id love to share with you here: “Most people get to live until 80 but they die at the age of 25”.

In the ceaseless dance of time, it is our vision that keeps us moving forward, propelling us beyond the boundaries of our comfort zones. It is the beacon that shines brightly in the darkest of nights, guiding us toward personal growth, self-awareness, and a life brimming with new experiences. As the world hurtles forward at an astonishing pace, our ability to evolve and adapt hinges on our willingness to embrace change, to seek out the novel, and to craft our destinies with intention.

So, I implore you to pause and reflect. Do you wish to be trapped in a cycle of familiarity, your life an unchanging tapestry of sameness? Or do you choose to step outside the confines of your comfort zone, to harness the power of your vision, and to live a life that’s not merely an accumulation of years but a journey of endless discoveries? The choice, my friends, is yours. As you read these words, remember that time is not a relentless adversary; it is your most precious ally. Embrace your vision, seize the day, and craft a life that defies the hands of time itself.

Jay Bialecki – You are awesome!